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Blog / Introducing Interval Training For Shortcuts

Introducing Interval Training For Shortcuts

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Interval training uses spaced repetition to help you memorize shortcuts more efficiently.

With interval training, you rate your performance after each shortcut attempt. Not only must you recall the shortcut from memory, but you must type it in correctly, thus increasing muscle memory for each shortcut as well. Next time you are in your editor, shortcut recall will be that much quicker and easier.

Learning the Sublime Text 2 select current line command: Sublime Text Interval Training

Intervals has the benefit of only showing you the shortcuts when you need to train them. By training specific shortcuts at calculated time intervals, the shortcuts stay fresh in your mind, and you'll spend a minimal amount of effort learning them.

Sublime Text 2 training stats: Sublime Text Interval Stats

When it is time to train, you'll receive a notification email letting you know what editors and how many shortcuts/commands need training.

Git and Vim commands reminder email: Vim Intervals Email Notification

Start Interval Training today!

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