Characters I
Match any character except newline
Match the start of the string
Match the end of the string
Match 0 or more repetitions
Match 1 or more repetitions
Match 0 or 1 repetitions

Special Sequences I
Match only at start of string
Match empty string, only at beginning or end of a word
Match empty string, only when it is not at beginning or end of word
Match digits # same as [0-9]
Match any non digit # same as [^0-9]

Characters II
Match 0 or more repetitions non-greedy
Match 1 or more repeitions non-greedy
Match 0 or 1 repetitions non-greedy
Escape special characters
Match a set of characters
Match any lowercase ASCII letter
Match a set of characters from lower to upper
Match characters NOT in a set
Match either A or B regular expressions (non-greedy)

Special Sequences II
Match whitespace characters # same as [ \t\n\r\f\v]
Match non whitespace characters #same as [^ \t\n\r\f\v]
Match unicode word characters # same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Match any character not a Unicode word character # same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
Match only at end of string

Characters III
Match exactly m copies
Match from m to n repetitions
Match from 0 to n repetitions
Match from m to infinite repetitions
Match from m to n repetitions non-greedy (as few as possible)

RE Methods I
re.compile(pattern, flags)
Compile a regular expression of pattern, with flags
re.match(pattern, string)
Match pattern only at beginning of string
re.search(pattern, string)
Match pattern anywhere in the string
re.split(pattern, string)
Split string by occurrences of patern
re.sub(pattern, str2, string)
Replace leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string with str2

Groups I
Use to specify a group for which match can be retrieved later
Non-capturing version parenthesis (match cannot be retrieved later)
Capture group with name "name"
Back reference group named "name" in same pattern

Match Objects I
Return subgroup "name" of match
Return tuple containing all subgroups of match
Return dict containing all named subgroups of match
Return start index of substring match by group
Return end index of substring matched by group
Return 2-tuple start and end indices of group in match

Flags I
Extension notation (used to set flags)
ASCII-only matching flag
Ignore case flag
Locale dependent flag
Multi-line flag
Dot matches all flag
Verbose flag

Lookahead / Behind I
Lookahead assertion - match if contents matches next, but don't consume any of the string.
Negative lookahead assertion - match if contents do not match next
Positive lookbehind assertion - match if current position in string is preceded by match
Negative lookbehind assertion - match if current position is not preceded by match
Match "yes" pattern if id or name exists, otherwise match "no" pattern

Match Objects II
Value of pos which was passed to search() or match()
Value of endpos which was passed to search() or match()
Integer index of last matched capturing group
Name of last matched capturing group
The regular expression who match() or search() created this match
The string passed to match() or search()

RE Methods II
re.fullmatch(pattern, string)
Match pattern if whole string matches regular expression
re.findall(pattern, string)
Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings
re.finditer(pattern, string)
Return an iterator yielding match objects over non-overlapping matches of pattern in string
re.subn(pattern, str2, string)
Replace left most occurrences of pattern in string with str2, but return a tuple of (newstring, # subs made)
Clear the regular expression cache