Editing I
Implement base interface/class methods in the current class
Override base class methods in the current class
Show parameters of the method call at caret
Complete code
Complete Current Statement

Editing II
Indent current line or selected block according to the code style settings
Reformat code
Paste from recent clipboards
Paste without formatting, autoimport, literal escaping etc.
Show Intention Actions
Unindent Selection

Editing III
Expand folding region at caret
Expand all folding regions
Delete to Word Start
Duplicate Line or Block
Split Line
Delete Line
Start New Line Before Current
Start New Line
Join Lines
Toggle Case

Navigation I
Open editor for the selected item and give focus to it
Navigate to the declaration of the symbol at caret
Show list of recently viewed files
Open image in external editor
Show list of recently changed files
Go to Bookmark 2
Go to Bookmark 4

Navigation II
Navigate to the next highlighted error in the active editor
Browse hierarchy for the selected class
Navigate to the declaration of the method that current method overrides or implements
Navigate to the implementation of class or method
Browse call hierarchy for the selected method
Navigate to the previous highlighted error in the active editor
Move through the most recent change points
Browse method hierarchy for the selected method
Toggle Bookmark With Mnemonic

Navigation III
Go to Bookmark 8
Move to the Next Difference
Move to the previous difference
Move selected lines one line down
Move selected lines one line up
Move Caret to Code Block End
Move Caret to Code Block Start
Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection
Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection
Move Caret to Next Word with Selection

Running / Debugging
Activate Debug window
Step to the next line executed
Step to the next line in this file
Resume program execution
Evaluate arbitrary expression
Run to the line where the caret is
Step into the particular method
Step to the first line executed after returning from this method
Choose and run configuration
Choose and debug configuration
View and manage all breakpoints and watchpoints
Run context configuration

Create a copy of the selected class
Move the selected class, method, package or static member to another package or class and correct all references
Delete the selected class, method or field, checking for usages
Replace selected expression with a constant
Surrounds the selection with one of the template
Turn the selected code fragment into a method
Inline the selected method or variable
Turn the selected expression into method parameter
Put a result of the selected expression into a variable
Create a copy of the selected class, file or directory in the same package/directory
Rename the selected symbol and correct all references
Copy reference to selected class, method or function

Misc I
Comment/uncomment current line or selected block with line comments
Comment/uncomment code with block comments
Go to Bookmark 0
Go to Bookmark 3
Go to Bookmark 5
Go to Bookmark 6
Go to Bookmark 7
Toggle Bookmark 1
Activate TODO window
Show context help
Activate Project window
Activate Favorites window
Activate Structure window
Activate Changes window
Context aware popup with list of commonly used VCS actions
Navigate to the next method in the active editor
Choose Project, Sourcepath or Classpath tree in the Project View window
Select the current class or method in any view
Run to the line where the caret is, ignoring any breakpoints
Undo last navigation operation
Remove unused imports and reorder/reorganize imports
Switch to the previous project window
Redo last undone navigation operation
Configure application settings
Complete class name and add import for it
Navigate to the previous occurrence
Detect all externally changed files and reload them from disk
Hide active tool window

Misc II
Delete to Word End
Toggle Bookmark 2
Show the current program execution point
Find usages of the symbol at caret
Cyclic Expand word
Navigate to the previous method in the active editor
Select all
Change current code style scheme, color&fonts scheme, keymap or Look&Feel
Open editor for the selected item
Find a string in active editor
Popup structure of the current file for quick navigation
Navigate to a line in editor by its number
Show popup list of live templates starting with the specified prefix
Open browser with documentation for the selected item
Add selected node to favorites
Step into, ignore stepping filters for libraries, constructors, etc.
Step over, disable all breakpoints before stepping.
Inspect Code With _Editor Settings
Quickly navigate to action by name
Navigate to the declaration of the symbol's type at caret
Copy paths corresponding to selected files or directories to clipboard
Safely unwraps or removes the selected scope
Find a string in multiple files
Toggle Bookmark 5

Misc III
Go to Bookmark 1
Activate previous tab
Navigate to one of the related or linked files
Jump to Navigation Bar
Go to Bookmark 9
Repeat the last Find/Replace operation
Fold selected block
Replace a string in active editor with another string
Save all files and settings
Add to VCS
Switch to the next project window
Navigate to the next occurrence
Browse console history
Put a result of the selected expression into a field
Popup path of the current file for opening in external file manager
Show usages of the symbol at caret
Hide all tool windows
Show a popup window with the symbol
Repeat the last Find/Replace operation in reverse direction
Resize active tool window to the left
Replace a string in multiple files with another string
Resize active tool window to the right
Complete code basing on expected type
Show thumbnails view for current directory
Go to next change
Choose scope and edit options for the Show Usages action
Toggle Bookmark 6
Toggle Bookmark 7
Toggle Bookmark 9

Misc IV
Move Caret to Line Start with Selection
Evaluate selected expression
Show panel to configure highlighting mode for the current file
Quickly navigate to any symbol by name
Context aware popup with list of refactoring actions
Go to previous change
Compare Directories
Scroll to Center
Update Project
Select Word at Caret
Show Code Coverage Data
Down with Selection
Left with Selection
Page Down with Selection
Page Up with Selection
Right with Selection
Prev Parameter
Previous Parameter
Previous Template Variable
Up with Selection
Open in Browser
Toggle Bookmark 4

Misc V
Surround selected code fragment with if, while, try/catch or other construct
Copy to clipboard
Paste from clipboard
Cut to clipboard
Activate next tab
Select Previous Tab in multi-editor file
Select Next Tab in multi-editor file
Toggle Bookmark 0
Toggle Bookmark 3
Move Caret to Text Start
Move Caret to Line End with Selection
Recent Changes
Load Context...
Open Task...
Save Context...
Switch Task...
Clear Context
Toggle Bookmark 8
Move Caret to Text End with Selection
Choose Lookup Item and Invoke Complete Statement
Move Caret to Text Start with Selection
Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection
Move Caret to Page Bottom with Selection
Move Caret to Page Top with Selection
Save As..
Navigate to the test of the selected class
Unselect Word at Caret
Run Inspection by Name...
Choose Lookup Item Replace
Next Template Variable
Activate Run window
Web Preview...